11 Dec Demand for Upper Eyelid Surgery Expected to Continue Rising
At the end of 2018, the worldwide eyelid surgery market was estimated at around $3.3 billion, and will likely continue to grow. At Oasis Eye Face and Skin, Medford’s Dr. Schiedler works closely with patients to determine if they require upper eyelid surgery to enhance visibility (which means it is covered by insurance) or if they are a candidate for cosmetic upper eyelid surgery. Whether a person is qualified for medical or cosmetic surgery, the aesthetic results help them look years younger and restores confidence.
The Benefits of Upper Eyelid Surgery
According to a recent eyelid surgery market report, eyelid surgery demands will continue to grow at a rate of 5.8% through 2026. The eyes are often the first place to show the signs of aging. Skin in this area is delicate, and droopy eyelids (a condition known as ptosis) can cause your vision to be impaired. Weakening muscles around the eyes exacerbate ptosis and can create lines, wrinkles, and unwanted droopiness.
Upper eyelid surgery is a surprisingly quick procedure for the patient, but requires incredible skill and knowledge of the doctor performing the surgery. Dr. Schiedler is board-certified as an oculofacial surgeon and eye specialist. Having attended the top programs around the country, Medford patients are in the best hands when working with Oasis Eye Face and Skin.
Results are immediate, although some swelling and slight bruising is common for a couple of week post-procedure. The majority of patients fully return to most of their daily activities within two weeks of surgery. However, when planning your procedure around major events, you may want to give yourself a minimum of four weeks for a full recovery.
Schedule Your Deep Chemical Peel Consultation
Upper eyelid surgery not only helps patients look younger. It can also remove what seems like a permanent scowl (which is common with sagging eyelids). You can also combine an upper eyelid surgery with lower eyelid surgery to address bags and other wrinkles. A deep chemical peel is a fantastic option to look 10+ years younger while delaying or avoiding a facelift entirely. Learn more about your options for upper eyelid surgery and other treatment offered by eye expert Dr. Schiedler in Ashland by scheduling your appointment online with Oasis Eye Face and Skin today.