Chemical peels are a great way to remove years of sun damage and restore beautiful healthy skin. A glowing complexion is possible even when there are advanced signs of skin aging. Deep wrinkles, blotchy pigmentation, sun spots, scars, and precancerous growths can all be removed or vastly reduced using a deep peel. Chemical peels work by removing the top layers of skin and stimulating cellular turnover and collagen formation.
Oasis Eye Face and Skin offers chemical peels of various concentrations to smooth out the skin and rejuvenate its appearance. Chemical peels are safe, effective, and can sometimes eliminate the need for further facial treatments. Contact board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon Dr. Vivian Schiedler and her team of experts at Oasis Eye Face and Skin to learn more about chemical peels options available for your skin and goals. Call (541) 708-6393 today!