21 May Help with Eye or Eyelid Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is the absolute easiest cancer to treat when caught early, but when faced with cancer on the face you deserve only the absolute best oculofacial eye surgeon. Dr. Schiedler at Oasis Eye Face and Skin specializes in combining the best technology with the best in care and expertise. She attended top-ranked programs around the country and is the very best expert to work on your eyes—particularly when you suspect or have been diagnosed with skin cancer.
Skin cancer can occur anywhere on the skin, including the eyelids and the outer corner of the eyes. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer, accounting for 90 percent of skin cancer cases. When skin cancer is caught early, it can usually be treated with an outpatient surgical removal and patients can forego radiation, chemotherapy, or more intrusive surgeries.
However, having skin cancer removed in a delicate area like the eyelids or eyes demands more skilled precision than anywhere else on the body. Full removal with minimal scarring of the cancerous area is an absolute must to uphold the quality of life, visibility, and aesthetics. Dr. Schiedler specializes in eye surgeries and is equipped with everything necessary to provide patients with a full and safe recovery.
Eyelid skin cancer may require both removal of the cancerous area and eyelid reconstruction. This is critical not only for aesthetics, but to ensure the eyes are functioning properly and that there is no watering or poor visibility after the surgery. The eyelids are such a delicate area, and the skin is so thin, that treating skin cancer in the eyelids demands only the best eye surgeon to handle this surgery.
The first step in treating eyelid skin cancer is a correct diagnosis, followed by a treatment plan. It’s important to act quickly, because even though basal cell carcinoma is a relatively slow-moving cancer, eyelid cancer is much easier to treat the earlier it’s caught.
Contact Oasis Eye Face and Skin Today!
If you’ve noticed a suspicious mole or other potential sign of skin cancer around the eyes, make an appointment with an eye specialist today. Call Oasis Eye Face and Skin at (541) 708-6393 to schedule your consultation, and enjoy peace of mind knowing you’re in the best possible care.