23 Dec Lower Eyelid Surgery Key to Looking Younger
You already know cosmetic surgery will help you look younger, but recent studies show that it can also help with the psychology of aging. However, the eye area is delicate and you’ll only want to trust Ashland’s leading oculofacial plastic surgeon Dr. Schiedler of Oasis Eye Face and Skin with lower blepharoplasty. Also known as lower eyelid surgery, it’s one of the top procedures listed by a recent article in Psychology Today related to looking and feeling better with age.
Looking the Age You Feel
Every unique tissue type of the face has its own aging process. That’s why we get wrinkles around our eyes much faster than on our foreheads. One study in Science Direct found that younger adults tended to focus more on the appearance of their bodies while older adults focused on their face. Many participants in the study said their faces stopped matching how they felt inside, and that they looked tired or angry when they weren’t.
There are many factors that go into a person opting for cosmetic surgery, and decreased self-esteem and confidence are important to consider. Women especially can struggle with the psychology of aging, as they feel they are also losing social visibility and power as well as their femininity. Men are sometimes concerned that looking older means they aren’t as competitive professionally.
Specifically, facelifts and eyelid lifts are cited as the procedures to erase the most years from the face. Both upper and lower eyelid surgeries require minimal incisions. In fact, lower blepharoplasty incisions are made at the lash line or even hidden inside the eyelid. Downtime is relatively short at less than two weeks for most activities.
However, a facelift is a more invasive procedure—fortunately, there’s an alternative. Pairing a deep chemical peel with a lower eyelid lift offers the same aesthetic results as a facelift combined with lower eyelid surgery without the additional surgical concerns or downtime. Patients who opt for the former pairing say negative self-image is minimized and even become more social, optimistic, and outgoing.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
There’s no doubt social penalties related to aging exist. Psychologically, cosmetic surgery from top eye specialists can be seen as therapeutic. If you’ve been thinking about lower eyelid surgery or deep chemical peels, trust your Ashland oculofacial surgeon for optimal results. Contact Dr. Schiedler of Oasis Eye Face and Skin today at 541-708-6393 to schedule your consultation.