29 Sep A Step by Step Blepharoplasty Guide
Blepharoplasty is the medical term for eyelid surgery and can refer to upper or lower eyelid surgery. Oasis Eye Face and Skin is where you’ll find board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon Dr. Schiedler, the only eye specialist you should trust for all of your eye surgical and cosmetic needs.
The exact procedure that’s best for your upper blepharoplasty or lower blepharoplasty will vary and may be modified slightly based on your needs, but the core of blepharoplasty surgeries are similar.
Eyelid Surgery: What To Expect
The first step in any blepharoplasty is anesthesia. This can be general anesthesia or intravenous sedation and will be determined based on your needs. Discussions about anesthesia will take place during your consultation with eye specialist Dr. Schiedler. In some cases, additional anesthesia may be recommended for patients with high stress or in select cases.
The next step is the incision. Incision sites for blepharoplasty are chosen so that scars can be hidden or disguised within the eyelid’s natural structure. Many upper eyelid surgeries involve a small incision that is hidden in the eyelid crease. This incision also offers a simple way to reposition fat deposits while tightening the muscles and removing extra skin.
Incisions for the lower eyelid are often hidden in the lash line or even inside the eyelid. Incisions inside the lower eyelid are called transconjunctival incisions. This allows for excess skin removal as well as fat removal or repositioning. Many clients add dermal fillers to their lower eyelid surgery to fill out hollowness that may be associated with age.
The third step is the closing of the incisions. Sutures or skin glue may be used, and sutures are removed one week after surgery. Some patients benefit from laser treatments or chemical peels during their eyelid surgery to help decrease discoloration, particularly around the lower eyelids.
In the fourth step, you see the results as swelling and bruising subside. Smoother skin and eyelids that are more defined make a person look more alert and younger.
Call Oasis Eye Face and Skin Today For Your Eyelid Surgery Consultation
If you’re interested in blepharoplasty, start the journey today with a consultation. Call Dr. Schiedler at Oasis Eye Face and Skin at (541) 708-6393.