09 Dec Avoid Surgery with a Deep Chemical Peel
Today’s facelifts have come a long way, but it’s still understandable that a lot of people want to avoid elective surgery whenever possible. That’s why board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon Dr. Schiedler at Oasis Eye Face and Skin offers deep chemical peels as an alternative to a facelift. A personalized deep chemical peel is so effective that patients look just as young (if not younger) after the procedure than those who have a facelift.
The Power of a Deep Chemical Peel
Deep chemical peels are non-surgical, which means you’re not exposed to any of the risks associated with surgery. There are no open wounds, which means no chance of infection. There are also no incisions, no scarring, and no evidence that you had any sort of treatment.
By design, facelifts and deep chemical peels work entirely differently. Facelifts remove excess skin and “tighten” the face by pulling the remaining skin up and back. That certainly removes sagginess and some lines and wrinkles, but the quality of the skin itself stays the same. Age spots, dull skin, poor texture, and even some fine lines will remain.
A deep chemical peel works by removing the top layers of skin and promoting new growth. Younger-looking skin hidden well below the surface is revealed as you heal. All signs of aging including deep wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, sun damage, and dull skin vanish with a chemical peel.
Ultimately, many patients say they prefer the results of a deep chemical peel over that of a facelift. Not only is skin tighter and brighter, it looks younger and healthier. There are varying degrees of chemical peels, and it’s only the deep chemical peel that can yield results that make a person look a full decade younger.
Since deep chemical peels promise these kinds of results, you only want an expert handling your custom peel. An oculofacial plastic surgeon like Dr. Schiedler is an expert on treatments related specifically to the eye, forehead, and cheek area. Thin skin around the eyes is especially delicate—particularly when it comes to being exposed to chemicals. You deserve an expert who can promise great results.
Schedule Your Deep Chemical Peel Consultation
See if a deep chemical peel is the facelift alternative you’ve been looking for. Schedule a consultation with eye specialist Dr. Schiedler at Oasis Eye Face and Skin online today.