19 Sep Lower Eyelid Surgery: A Top Plastic Surgery Procedure
Looking younger and healthier are top priorities for many people, and lower eyelid surgery along with additional wrinkle procedures are some of the most popular plastic surgery options.
Oasis Eye Face and Skin is home to board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon Dr. Schiedler. Lower eyelid surgery in Medford, also known as lower blepharoplasty, removes unwanted skin and fat around the lower eyelids to dramatically reduce wrinkles and can make a patient look several years younger. Lower eyelid surgery is performed in a single procedure and can have a significant impact on a person’s appearance.
What To Expect During Lower Eyelid Surgery
Usually, Medford lower eyelid surgeries are performed under local anesthesia, although oral sedation may be a suitable additional option. Many patients choose to combine lower eyelid surgery with upper eyelid surgery or undergo additional cosmetic procedures such as fillers. Dermal fillers in the lower eyelid area can “fill out” hollowness that happens with age and can optimize lower eyelid surgery results.
Whether patients choose to combine lower eyelid surgery in Medford with additional surgeries or cosmetic treatments, they can expect these procedures to be an outpatient appointment. Patients return home the same day. Most patients can return to the majority of their daily activities between three and five days post-op. Full activities, including workouts and sports, are often resumed two weeks after lower eyelid surgery.
Upper Eyelid Surgery May Be Covered By Insurance
Lower blepharoplasty is considered a cosmetic procedure. However, for patients considering a combination of lower and upper eyelid surgery, keep in mind that many times upper eyelid surgery is considered a medical procedure that’s covered by insurance. Since these two procedures can be performed in tandem, it’s a good idea to discuss your options and goals with eye expert Dr. Schiedler.
Your eyes say a lot about you. There comes a time when even the best skincare regimen can’t stop wrinkles, bags, and lax skin.
Feel Your Best Self With Oasis Eye Face and Skin
If you want a permanent solution to under-eye wrinkles, bags, and hollowness, lower eyelid surgery in Medford might be for you. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Schiedler at Oasis Eye Face and Skin today.